Some advice for beginners
A swiss ball is an option, but you really should start doing squats with your back as vertical as humanly possible (if not vertical, at least flat.... stick your chest out). Hips back, chest out, knees NEVER should come past the toes!!! Shins should be vertical or VERY close to it. Knees should track direction toes are pointing. DO NOT bow in at the knees! And for knee HEALTH.... squat down ALL THE WAY! Our bodies are DESIGNED for full range of motion, it keeps the joints healthy and lubricated. Other than that, THESE APPS ARE VERY GOOD! COME OUT WITH KETTLEBELL SPORT APPS JUST LIKE THIS: 100 JERKS, 100 SNATCHES, 90 CLEAN AND JERKS (LONG CYCLE)!!!
Spearo Ninja about
Two Hundred Squats: Strengthen Your Lower Body